
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Coronavirus, wildfires, violent deaths, racism… these are just a few of the terrible things taking place in the world recently. Whether you’re experiencing these horrific events first hand or through a screen, there’s no avoiding it. Everywhere you look it seems like the world is crashing down. You may be asking yourself, where is God? 

It can be easy to want to cast the blame on God when things start to go wrong. Many people ask “Why would God let these things happen if he cares for us?” The answer is simple, He’s not the one doing these things. Sin came into this world when Adam and Eve fell for Satan’s temptation. Sin is inevitable but lucky for us our God is loving, forgiving, and gracious.

Romans 8:28 says “God works all things together for our good and his glory”, meaning he will answer our prayers as long as it is His will. “If God is for us, who can be against us?”( Romans 8:31). This is a reminder that God is always looking out for us and His plan will always be better than our own plan. “People judge by outwards appearance but the Lord looks at our inner thoughts and intentions” (1 Samuel 16:7). People will judge and persecute us, but God knows what is in our hearts. We need to fully surrender and put our trust in Him. 
 In regards to all of the negativity in the world, we need to speak up and take action. Proverbs 31:8 says “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” White privilege is a real thing. I will never personally know how it feels to fear simple/ everyday tasks because the color of my skin, but I hurt for my brothers and sisters who do. NOBODY should have to live in fear. We were all created equal, different but equal. Romans 8:39 says “Nothing can separate us from the love of God”. No race, no sin, nothing!! God shows no favoritism and loves all of his daughters and sons the same. We must choose to not abuse our privilege but use it lift one another up so that ultimately we will all be treated equally, as God intended. 
 It can be hard to write about these topics when there is still so much to learn. I’m going to link some resources down below and I challenge you to take a few minutes out of your day and educate yourself. Do your part in ending racism and helping those who are suffering. The most effective way to take part in this is to educate yourself and your friends/family- share a post, listen to a podcast, read a book. Correct your peers of they say something racist. I will also list places to donate below if you are able to. Most importantly, join me in prayer for peace, justice, forgiveness, and understanding. One day at a time we can make the world a better place; but in order for this to happen we need to come together and love as God loves. The best way to love as God does is to get to know Him better. Let people see Him through your actions and words. 
Resources to educate yourself: (thank you to our awesome squad mentor Maddie for sharing!)
-The Diversity Gap 
-Unity in Diversity 
-Become the Bridge 
-The Hate U Give (I’m reading this now and it’s SO good, read most of it in a day)
-Me & White Supremacy
-I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness
-Jane Elliot
-Christianity & Racism 
-Life after Corona
-The Hate U Give
– When They See Us
-Slavery by Another Name 
How to Help BLM:  (sign petitions, donate, etc. ) (money is spilt between 55 organizers)

4 responses to “Where is God?”

  1. Proud of you for this girl! So wonderfully worded and such a sweet message of hope! Thankful we serve a God who works all things for good and can be found in the simple daily things. Praying with you.