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Hi everyone! I hope you’re all staying safe, healthy, and sane! I’ve been keeping my instagram and facebook updated with my plans for the World Race but I thought it would be a good idea to update my blog.

The big question everyone’s been asking is “Are you still going on your trip?” and “What will you do if it’s cancelled?” so I’m going to clear that all up now. First and foremost- YES we are still going on the race. Adventures in Missions has been keeping us updated and supporting us during these difficult times. My squad talks everyday (and every hour lol), I have no idea what I’d do without them and their encouraging words. We’re also SO thankful for our advisor Drew and our mentor Maddie.

Our 10 day training camp has been moved to September (originally in July). After training camp we plan to launch and head to our first country, Swaziland. AIM is very hopeful that we will launch in September as planned. As long as international travel is safe in September we will continue with our plans. I ask that you pray for my squad and our leaders that we stay hopeful in these times and that our leaders make the best decisions for everyone’s health. 

Just in case things don’t go as planned and we can’t go to Africa in September… there is a backup plan (thank you AIM!!!) If we cannot travel internationally we will stay in Georgia for an additional few months of missional training until we can travel internationally. Then we would travel to Africa in January. This was hard to hear at first but after thinking about it and praying a lot I found peace in knowing God has a plan. Whether we end up evangelizing in Africa or the states, there will always be a need for His Word and my squad is so ready to share it!! 

With all of the chaos recently I almost forgot to mention… we had a country added to our route! Instead of everyone staying in Swaziland for 3 months the girls will be spending our third month in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa. Sorry boys! I’m so excited to spend this time to grow closer to the girls on my squad and to proclaim the good news in South Africa. While we are in Jeffrey’s By we will be doing community outreach, teaching, and doing projects with the Global Leaders Ministry.

With all that said, I still need to fundraise $16,000. My next deadline is $5,000 by June 1st- so I have about a month to fundraise $2,000. Thank you SO much for all the love and support so far, it means the world to me! And as always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions or prayer requests <3

Want to help?

– PRAY: for me, my squad, and for our leaders to make the best decisions for everyone’s safety.

– SHARE: share my blog, story, and goals to help spread the word!

-DONATE: any amount is greatly appreciated! you can donate directly on my blog or venmo me @becca-engstrom-1

2 responses to “Update on the Race”

  1. I can’t wait to read all of your future blogs! Praying that you will be able to launch in September and for a trust in Him that surpasses understanding:)