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Thoughts & Inspiration

Dear seniors,

I know this isn’t what we planned our senior year to be like. Twelve years of school and we might not even have a graduation?! It’s disappointing, stressful, and frustrating… but there is still hope. I want to share some words of encouragement today to help you stay positive while it seems like your world might be crashing down.  

These are stressful times for everyone- parents, elders, children, you name it! Being a senior in high school I’ve come to the realization that I’m missing out a lot. Senior week, class day, prom, maybe graduation?! If you asked me how I felt a few weeks ago I would’ve been filled with fear, sadness, and even anger. Then I tried to put things in perspective. People are sick and dying, people are working day and night to keep US safe and healthy. I’ve talked to former racers whosw time was cut short on the field as a result of the virus. They experienced first hand how this was affecting impoverished countries. Hearing their stories is what really put things in perspective for me. For instance in India people are on the streets suffering. Toilet paper is the least of their worries. Social distancing isn’t even an option for them, so before complaining that you can’t hang out with your friends take a second to be grateful you have a home to stay in. Yeah it sucks missing these things we’ve looked forward to but if we have to sacrifice a few things to keep others healthy it’s the least we can do! If you’re a senior like me (or maybe you know someone who is struggling with these thoughts) take a moment to focus on all the things you have been blessed with. A loving family, friends, food on the table and clean water, a roof over your head, the list could go on forever. I know that everyone is fighting their own battles and it’s hard to adjust to these changes. This blog isn’t to tell you to stop complaining because others have it worse, but it’s to help you focus on what you’ve been blessed with. One last thing I want to touch upon is that we should still be hopeful. Trust the wait and embrace the uncertainty! We don’t know what the future holds but there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Through all this the one thing keeping me hopeful has been my trust in God. I’m aware that not everyone reading this is a Christian, some people reading this may have no religious background. I don’t want to push anything on you but I do encourage you to keep an open mind. I have seen God work actively through my life and I can confidently say accepting Him into your life will be the best decision you can make. If you’re reading this and you don’t know exactly what I’m talking about or if you have any questions, PLEASE reach out!!! I would absolutely love to talk to you, even if we haven’t talked before feel free to message me or email me anytime!! Maybe you’re reading this and you’re open to the idea but you have concerns, maybe you just want to learn more.. I totally get it! Don’t be shy to reach out anytime with any questions you have or if you just wanna chat 🙂 Lastly, I ask that you pass this on. (share it on your story, email the link, anything!) Spreading the word is the best thing you can do, and someone you know can benefit from hearing these words. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I hope you took something out of it 🙂


For anyone who doesn’t know, I am going on a 9 month missionary trip with the World Race this year. I’m going to Swaziland, Ethiopia, and Cambodia to spread God’s love and help anyone I can along the way. Make sure to subscribe to my blog to stay updated 🙂

If you‘d like to support my journey please be praying for my squad as our trip approaches. If you can support financially, there is a place to donate right here on my blog and I’m currently selling tee shirts to help fundraise my trip. Thank you SO much for your support!!

12 responses to “Dear Seniors…”

  1. YOU are amazing! I can’t wait to see the great things you and your squad do. Remember to stay calmfident.. calm and confident in the Lord!