
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As I’m reminiscing on the past 3 months on the race, I started thinking about all the amazing opportunities we’ve had to serve. Working with Samaritans Purse in Louisiana was such an eye opening experience. Our first week was spent serving in Lake Charles, and our second week in DeRidder. Our team grew so much from serving together (meet my team in my past blog)! One major takeaway for me is that ministry is life. Literally. I always dreamt of going on a mission trip (thanks God for getting me here), but I’ve learned that you don’t need to go away to serve others. You can show His love to everyone you meet!

Before even getting to Lake Charles we were able to share the Gospel with two ladies outside of McDonalds. While driving, we saw a lady on the side of the road and someone from our van gave her a McDonalds gift card so she could get food for the night. Not too long after we stopped to get dinner, and see the same lady at McDonalds. We started talking with Michelle and her friend Lisa. Some of the guys from our group went inside a gas station to buy them some snacks as we continued to listen to their stories. Before we left we asked if we could pray over them and they were so excited to receive prayer! In my head I was kind of freaking out because I had never approached a stranger before nevermind pray for them, but as soon as I saw the smiles on their face I felt so at peace and filled up from the Lord. It’s so cool to me how my first experience “in ministry” wasn’t even “in ministry” but at McDonalds. Ministry can happen anywhere!

Another unforgettable ministry moment took place while we were in DeRidder. I had hurt my back using the chainsaw the day before and I almost stayed back because I was in a lot of pain, but I knew I didn’t want to miss a day of work. I prayed that God would give me strength to get through the day and help my team as much as I could. When we got to our worksite I started moving branches and limbs from the backyard to the side of the road to get picked up. Our leader for the week (the one and only Bob Corder) told me to start my own pile so I started taking the branches to the other side of the house. Before I knew it, my pile was almost as big as the other pile (that multiple people had been working on). My back pain completely disappeared for the hours we were cleaning up the house, and God gave me the strength to not only assist but to really make an impact that day. Just when I thought His faithfulness couldn’t get any better, He continued to show up.

A lady named Nelda was driving down the road when she saw us working and stopped in front my my pile of branches. She asked me about the work we had been doing and we began talking about how hurricane Laura & Delta affected her. She told me how she had taken several of her friends and family into her home, but she hadn’t had power for weeks. She also told me about some medical conditions she was struggling with and I started to feel that Holy Spirit Heartbeat. I knew I should pray for her but it seemed so outside of my comfort zone (especially since it was just me talking to her). What if I said the wrong things or what if she wasn’t a believer? I put those fears aside and asked if I could pray for her- and she said yes! As I was praying for Nelda I could here her sniffling through her mask. After I finished praying I opened my eyes and saw her tearing up. She explained how much it meant to her that I wanted to pray for her. The Lord revealed to me that people are much more willing to receive than I think. The more I step out in faith, the more I’m able to reach others and reflect His love!

Here are just a few testimonies from my time with Samaritans Purse. If I can leave you with one thing it’s that God works everywhere and ministry is life. Don’t wait around for an opportunity to come to you, but seek the Lord in all things and spread his love with everyone you meet!

Thank you so much for all the support! I’d love for you to consider praying about if you feel led to financially support me. I need $2,000 to reach my next deadline by December 15. I’m also selling tee shirts to reach my deadline:  Order now and it can be delivered before Christmas!


Here is the pile of branches God gave me the strength to carry!


4 responses to “Ministry is Life”

  1. Woah!! I love this! Thanks for sharing this with us – your thought process, the details, the stories.

  2. Becca, that is a great testimony of stepping out in faith! Asking for strength when not feeling well and stepping out of your comfort zone hearing the call the Holy Spirit calling you to pray for that lady. Great steps in spiritual maturity.
    His has mighty plans for you.
    I am so proud of you.

  3. I love this Becca!!! how sweet of the Lord to trust you with a ministry opportunity outside of scheduled ministry before anything else!!!! so proud of you for stepping out in boldness!!!! love you!!!