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committed // rejuvenated //  made new 

Since being in Georgia the Lord has dramatically changed my life. He’s torn me down to my roots and continues to build me back up. I’m so thankful for our amazing leaders who show us what it looks like to truly commit your life to the Lord. It’s an everyday decision and it’s not always easy but He’s been showing me how rewarding it is! Growing up I always considered being baptized but I was waiting for the right moment. Waiting for the day I would be clean of sin and felt “worthy”. When our mentor Madie told us we were going to the lake to do baptisms I felt a pit in my stomach. I knew God was telling me now’s the time but I honestly didn’t want to hear it. That whole day leading up to the lake I fought with God and told my team I wasn’t going to get baptized, but I was SO happy and excited for them to take that step. We got to the Lake and I still felt the Lord pushing me. I was so excited to see water and couldn’t help but to walk in up to me knees (wearing Morgans jeans). As I walked through the water and prayed in the sunlight I felt Gods presence and His love for me. I stood in the water as some of my teammates got baptized and the joy on their face was unmatchable.  I was still wrestling with God with trying my best to push off that feeling. After everyone had gone we began to worship and my friend/teammate Hailey came to me and said she knew God wanted her to tell me “it’s not too late”. Then my other friend/teammate Miranda joined us in prayer and got our leaders to talk about it with me. I expressed how I had been waiting for the right moment and they reassured me how His love is constant. He loves us at our highs and lows and never stops fighting for us. I went to my friend Brent to ask for his opinion (as I do for most important decisions lol) and he said how the Holy Spirit had also told him I would get baptized that day.  So I went back to my leaders and we prayed and jumped right back into the water! Before being dunked my whole squad prayed over me and that’s a feeling I’ll never forget. They displayed God’s intentionality and love for me. Then I awkwardly paused before being dunked because I forgot to plug my nose… lol. Despite the freezing water, the sun lit up my face and I was made new. Thanks God for blessing me with a community who knows exactly what to say to encourage me and make me feel seen. 

Please continue to pray for my squad! Join me in prayer as I continue to fundraise. I need to raise $3,000 more to stay on the field! If you’d like to financially support me you can donate anytime on my blog or venmo Becca-Engstrom-1

4 responses to “Made New”

  1. Awesome divine appointment !!!!
    God has an incredible plan for you as you continue to walk in obedience

  2. Becca, This is such a beautiful picture. Words cannot express how thrilled I am that you took this step but I would really like to give you a great big hug. Love, Dale

  3. Exciting story. Just love to hear you talk about about the internal walk and the people you rely on for mentoring, accountability and support. Big hugs to you for taking such a big step of faith and pray your decision will lead others to Christ.