
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The Lord had spoken the word “beauty” over me since being in Costa Rica. Whether it’s through a squad mate in worship, or a letter from a stranger… He continues to brings it back no matter how far I try to run from it. This is something I’ve always battled with in different seasons of my life. When you live in a house with 30 amazing women it’s especially hard to remember your true identity. Comparison is the thief of joy. I often struggle with feeling unworthy or not enough. I wish I could sing or paint like someone else,  I wish I had the confidence they have, or that my body looked like theirs. But God always brings me back to His word “You are beautiful for you are fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). It sounds so simple but it’s so true. He created us all in HIS IMAGE. Not social media’s image, but HIS image. 

How boring would life be if we all looked the same or had the same talents? He created us to be diverse. Once we embrace our differences we’re able to press into one another and learn from one another. So why not celebrate our differences? Celebrate your sisters art work and your brothers confidence!  Rejoice in the praise of your friends singing, and remind them friends they’re beautiful on the inside and outside. And yes, boys struggle with this too… remind them of their identity in Christ! You’re a child of God.

Now I’m not saying it’s always going to be easy. This is something I’ve been walking through currently and I have to remind myself to choose His truths everyday. I’ll be real with y’all… sometimes it kills me to socialize with others when I just wanna lay in bed all night and watch The Office. Sometimes it kills me to eat that second pb & j because I’m thinking about what my body will look like after. These are common struggles. Let’s normalize being vulnerable (because ya know… vulnerability encourages vulnerability). But let’s not dwell in our insecurities. Ask the Lord what He says about you. Once you start listening to Him it’ll become easier to surrender those thoughts. Believe what He says about you. 

He calls me beautiful. 

He calls me His bride. 

He calls me chosen and worthy

He calls me seen and heard. 

He calls me brave and strong. 

He calls me wise and mature. 

He calls me intentional. 

Think of your favorite song or favorite place that just makes you jump with joy… God love you a million times more than that. Despite all the mistakes you’ve made… He STILL loves you and wants a relationship with you! We are made in His image. 

What does God say about you? I encourage you to make a list of the lies you tell yourself & then cross them out and replace them with God’s truths / promises. 

5 responses to “In His Image (pt. 1)”

  1. AMEN!!
    Even dads and moms struggle with this!!
    Great advice and amazing insight!
    You are Beautiful Becca in every way!
    I love you!!
    Dad!! XO ??

  2. Becca, So beautifully spoken ! It is an ongoing lesson to learn…. who we are in God’s eyes, His bride without blemish !
    We have an audience of one and only need to live our lives obedient and pleasing to Him

  3. Becca, You are definitely beautiful but as you stated, its beauty within that is most important. Thats what God looks at. He sees what we are like within, that which no one else can see. Beauty from within is the way to go. Love this post and thank you for sharing it. Love, Dale

  4. Say those over and over and over again, every day, everyday, EV-
    RE-DAY! Because you are and those are truth, believe nothing else.