
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone! I’m Becca, a senior in high school currently in Rhode Island- soon to be around the globe! I’ve been interested in the World Race for years now, but never knew it could be my reality. After doing more research and talking to my parents, they were super supportive and encouraged me to apply. It’s been a few months since then and I can’t believe the Lord has blessed me with this opportunity to spread His love in Eswatini, Ethiopia, and Cambodia. I can’t wait to spend next year on the mission field deepening my faith and learning to trust God’s plan. 


I’m passionate about serving others and I’m excited to see where God is leading me in this next chapter of my life. I am a lover of art, music, adventures, sunrises/sunsets, & all things chocolate. I also love performing arielle arts. If I’m not enjoying one of the things above, you’ll probably catch me spending time with my friends or my sisters (who are also my best friends). I’m thankful for my parents and my sisters- who have always encouraged me to have a personal relationship with the Lord. 


A verse that’s been on my heart lately is “We are called to be bold” ~Joshua 1:9. My family and friends are extremely supportive but it’s definitely been an act of boldness explaining my post-graduation plans, since taking a gap year is very uncommon where I live. In this season of my life I feel that God is calling me to step out of my comfort zone and share my faith with anyone I can. I’m so excited to continue this growth and I would LOVE your support!! Whether you can support my trip by donating or through prayers- it would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you so much for taking the time to read & learn more about me… stay updated for upcoming fundraisers 🙂 


3 responses to “About Me & WRGY”

  1. We are very proud of you and your compassion for others! Wishing you a safe, wonderful, fulfilling experience.
    We love you!